2022 Pie & AI Ambassador Spotlight: Arushi Bagchi

Why did you join the DeepLearning.AI community as an event ambassador?
I am very interested in AI and its applications. As I was educating myself on the topic, I realized how deeply ingrained AI is in our everyday lives. Most people may not be aware of that, hence I wanted to bring that awareness and knowledge to them. By becoming an event ambassador, I am able to help spread AI awareness to others, as well as continue to learn from the AI experts who I host for the panel discussions. It amazes me how much people in the larger community are hungry to learn and how much appetite for AI there is out there.
What do you do when you are not hosting events with DeepLearning.AI?
I am a senior in high school with a full schedule that includes several AP subjects, and I am also captain of the school’s tennis team. My life is pretty much consumed by these things whenever I am not planning, preparing or hosting Pie & AI events, my day is pretty much consumed by commitments from each of these.
Describe a few highlights from your event ambassador experience.
I have hosted some experienced experts in the AI field: Directors, CEOs, PhDs , and more. Two two things stand out for me: First, just how warm and friendly these experts are, despite their high positions and extensive knowledge. That is something I hope to emulate when I am further along in my career. Secondly, in order to prepare for interviews with the subject matter experts, I have to research extensively ahead of the events. This winds up being very rewarding and I feel very good being able to hold meaningful conversations on the topics covered in my events.
What have you learned/gained since joining the DeepLearning.AI community?
Since I became an AI Ambassador, I have definitely increased my professional network. I have learned what goes into planning and preparing for events such as these, and how to coordinate with multiple folks — sometimes across time zones — to come up with topics that are both engaging for the audience and fulfilling for the panelists. All of that adds up to great growth for me as a person.